English Teenager (13-17 years old):
Students are at a stage where they can comfortably use English in real life situations. Skills are developed upon a solid foundation of English for interactive learning.
The program consists of 7 levels:
Each course lasts 48 weeks, 2 sessions per week (90 minutes / session) with an enthusiastic native English Teacher and an experienced Vietnamese Partner/ Teacher.
Content material at this age focuses on improving vocabulary, sentence patterns, grammar knowledge and the ability to confidently speak English in front of a crowd of people. Throughout the course the four essential skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing will be focused on. Students who have been through former English programs at the ages of 4-<6 and 6-12 will be able to quickly develop skills with a high level of confidence needed to study abroad. The teaching method used will direct students to work independently, in pairs and small groups through participating in challenging activities which will require more accuracy and proficiency.