Evans Brandon Charles
Teacher detail
Evans Brandon Charles

Education: BA in English - creative writing; TEFL Certificate.
Birthday: June 24
Favorite Food: Roast Chicken
Favorite drink: Black coffee
Hobbies: Playing guitar and swimming
Favorite book: The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes – Conan Doyle
Favorite quote: “There is an eloquence in true enthusiasm” ― Edgar Allan Poe"


Hi, I'm an English teacher from the UK. I have been teaching English in Vietnam for 3 years. I lived in the peaceful city of Ha Tinh before, but now I have become a Da Nang citizen! My university major was English, so I am passionate about teaching foreign languages and helping students achieve the highest standards. Outside of school, I often write, play the guitar and go to the gym.

Dear Parents, I always give my best in the process of helping students develop foreign language skills. Not only that, I always aspire to help them build a good character. I believe that it is only when they really show their abilities accurately and with great precision that I can really do my job well. Together they will become true Global Citizens.
If you are interested in communicating and have any questions about your child's learning, please contact me by email: brandon.evans@fishersuperkids.com.