Robyn Michelle Johnson
Teacher detail
Robyn Michelle Johnson

Education: Bachelor of Psychology and Sociology; TEFL Certificate.
Birthday: September 29
Favorite Food: Sushi
Favorite Drink: Coffee
Hobbies: Reading, painting, weaving and yoga
Favorite book: Name of the Wind


Hi, I'm Robyn, I'm an English teacher from South Africa. I have been teaching in Vietnam for 3 years now and I love life in this beautiful country. I like reading books, drinking coffee and art.


Thank you parents for trusting me in teaching English to my children. I decided to work at Fisher because I see the enthusiasm and harmony in my point of view of teaching English to students, because the language is good. English is a skill that is really needed in today's intersectional world. I always want to be able to create a fun and cooperative learning environment for my students. This not only helps them to improve their skills. communication skills and also increase confidence when speaking English, shaping personal style and always having a lot of fun in the learning path.
If you would like to make an appointment to discuss and have any questions about your child's learning, please contact me via the classroom's viber group or email: