Taryn Miller
Teacher detail
Taryn Miller

Education : Bachelor of Arts
Birthday : 31st December
Favorite Food: Pizza, Burgers all of the bad food.
Favorite Drink: Coconut coffee
Hobby: Reading and looking after my 5 animals
Favorite Book: Anything Fiction
Favorite Quote: The grass isn't always greener on the other side


Hello :)

I am a City girl that grew up in Cape Town, South Africa. I aspire to be able to improve this world one step at a time, starting with education.

I lived and taught English in Thailand for 1 year. That was when I realised I wanted to be a teacher and travel the world to help other countries. Working with children has always been my passion and children are the future generation. I believe if we want to make the world a better place, we need to start with education.


Many children around the world don't have an active mentor at home. A teacher is often the only person in a child's life, a stable mentor a child can rely on. I chose to be a teacher. because I believe that all children need a positive mentor to help inspire the world and I have always believed that children can do something on their own. yours.

If you have any questions, please contact me via email: taryn@fishersuperkids.com