Zaworski Christopher David
Teacher detail
Zaworski Christopher David

Education: Bachelor of Business Economics; TEFL Certificate.
Birthday: 07/02
Favorite Food: Mexican Food
Favorite Drink: Green Tea (Iced Tea)
Hobbies: Playing guitar
Favorite book: Catch-22 by Joseph Heller


Hi, my name is Chris - an English teacher from USA. I have been teaching English to students of all ages for over a year in Quang Ninh, Vietnam. I have a passion for travel and I have been to several countries in the world such as: Costa Rica, Mexico, Canada and many other places in the US. I also enjoy playing the guitar, reading books and writing stories about my travels. Another goal of mine is to learn Vietnamese so that I can better understand the culture and communicate with the local people where I go.


I'm excited to teach your child next year. My goal is to make each class fun and engaging to increase student engagement in my lessons and help them As a native English speaker from the United States and learning Vietnamese, I can help improve my students' pronunciation and grammar and make sure they use the correct sentence structure in the language. Older brother.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact me via Viber at +84382337429.